What is a Gentleman?

Check this out! Song of Solomen is the controversial book of the Bible with the expression of love and enjoyment between the Shulammite and the king. They are completely in love..not lust. And this is what showed me the difference.

6 times! The King addresses her as “My sister, my bride.” (I’ll let you find where it says it) 😉 Isn’t that interesting that each time, he says sister BEFORE he says bride. That was so cool! I think it works both ways. But it clicked that for him to really love her as a bride, he first saw her as a sister.

Do with it what you will. But when I read that, it REALLY caught my attention. And it showed me what kind of guy should catch my attention (way down the road, of course). One that FIRST treats me as a sister in Christ…then with Gods permission as more. A suggestion to guys..and girls: I read recently in a book a good answer for How far is too far?

Go as far as you would in front of her/your dad? Remember we all have a Dad that is always watching. 🙂


Filed under Love

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