To Me


to love others more


to make the smart choices instead of the easy ones


to not lose faith in the midst of faithlessness


to not become what once was


to only speak life


for dreams so big they have to be fought for


to become a better person every day


the desire to be comfortable


the voices that say failure is the habit


to pick up when


has become something undone


because not fighting has made you who you have become

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Blogging that Means Something

I have chosen not to blog since September. It’s not that Ididn’t want to update people on my life. I just didn’t feel like taking away your time unless it was something worth while. Granted, there are many things that have happened in the last several months that may have helped you or just given you some encouragement. But the past is gone, and I am blogging again.

My heart is completely devasted by the fact that over 12,000,000 people are being traficked right now. Every thrity seconds someone new goes into sex slavery. Can your brain wrap around that? I know mine can’t. But my heart is broken. And what are we doing besides getting emotional gratification that we felt bad for a few moments.

Enough is enough. How many times have we looked at history and asked in disgust:


This is OUR world on OUR watch. WHAT IF IT WERE YOU! WHAT IF IT WERE YOUR KID! Would you say I hope people feel bad for me or would you cry that no one cares that everynight someone will pay to have sex with you or you will have no choice but to give them oral sex.

This is our world on our watch, and we will be held responsible for what we didn’t do. Please look into this! I am begging you. Let’s get outside our our little worlds and RESCUE someone who can’t call thier world theirs!

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Power is walking away from a desire to protect a love.

Love the simple lyrics! I guess it really isn’t that complicated.

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It’s hard to say No.

Sunday was pretty awesome. I went to a beautiful lake in Evergreen with one of my favorite people! It was a beautiful drive complete with a stop for ice cream! Nancy always gives me amazing advice, but she told me something that really bothered me. I mean…like it REALLY bothered me. “If you can’t say no, your yes means nothing.”

Why is it that one little phrase can rock your world? I never thought of it that way. But this week it hasn’t left my mind. How true is that statement! In my situation, I have realized by me not saying no, the value of my yes over time has grown smaller and it has become harder to say no.

It really helped me stay strong in my convictions about something I am really struggling with. Should I have closed that door? It was hard, but saying no to something I want now just means I am putting value on the time when I am supposed to open it back up. Think of your situation. Maybe it means taking on too many shifts at work so people just expect it. Or maybe it has to do with a situation, not a literal yes or no. Are you easy to “fall in love”…so when you find the right one, it doesn’t hold that special place? Think about it. Is there something in your life you haven’t said no to that maybe you should have?


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People are Gross! This is fishy!

Apparently, fish are being used for more than just eating these days. I saw an article about a spa in West Virginia. Get this!…Tiny carp that eat away dead skin for a “fishy” pedicure. Eww! Think about it. These fish are feasting off the flesh on your toes. I laughed at first, but then the thought of these carp eating at some crusty old ladies feet, then my turn. I wonder if they use different fish for each client. And if so, what do they do wiht all the other ones…throw them back into the lake for us to catch later…and EAT! Talk about the circle of life! But if you want the legit story,

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My 6 year old hero!

 CALVIN AND HOBBES! In my opinion, we don’t devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks. **

Reality continues to ruin my life.**

Calvin : You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. Hobbes : What mood is that? Calvin : Lastminute panic**

 That’s the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn’t good enough for me! I demand euphoria! **

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don’t help.**

 This one’s tricky. You have to use imaginary numbers, like eleventeen …**

Calvin: I’m a genius, but I’m a misunderstood genius. Hobbes: What’s misunderstood about you? Calvin: Nobody thinks I’m a genius**

 “I’m a simple man, Hobbes.” “You?? Yesterday you wanted a nuclear powered car that could turn into a jet with laserguided heatseeking missiles!” “I’m a simple man with complex tastes.

** “See Any UFOs?” “Not yet.” “Well, keep your eyes open, they’re bound to land here sometime.” “What will we do when they come?” “See if we can sell mom and dad into slavery for a star cruiser”

** “Any monsters under my bed tonight?” “Nope.” “No.” “UhUh.” “Well there *better* not be, I’d hate to have to torch one with my flamethrower!” “You have a flamethrower?” “They lie. I lie.


“Do you like being a girl?” “Its gotta be better than the alternative.” “Whats it like? Is it like being a bug?” “Like a WHAT?” “I imagine bugs and girls have a dim perception that nature played a crual trick on them, but they lack the intelligence to really comprehend the magnitude of it.

** I’m looking for something that can deliver a 50pound payload of snow on a small feminine target. Can you suggest something? Hello…?

** Girls are like slugsthey probably serve some purpose, but it’s hard to imagine what.

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Read this! It was pretty mind-blowing.


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What is a Gentleman?

Check this out! Song of Solomen is the controversial book of the Bible with the expression of love and enjoyment between the Shulammite and the king. They are completely in love..not lust. And this is what showed me the difference.

6 times! The King addresses her as “My sister, my bride.” (I’ll let you find where it says it) 😉 Isn’t that interesting that each time, he says sister BEFORE he says bride. That was so cool! I think it works both ways. But it clicked that for him to really love her as a bride, he first saw her as a sister.

Do with it what you will. But when I read that, it REALLY caught my attention. And it showed me what kind of guy should catch my attention (way down the road, of course). One that FIRST treats me as a sister in Christ…then with Gods permission as more. A suggestion to guys..and girls: I read recently in a book a good answer for How far is too far?

Go as far as you would in front of her/your dad? Remember we all have a Dad that is always watching. 🙂


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Boy Meets Girl

So, if you are single or unmarried, and are looking for an awesome book to read, I would DEFINITELY recommend “Boy Meets Girl” by Joshua Harris. He has a lot of Scripture and personal experience to back up his views on dating (the right way) and waiting.  It took me about three days to read, Because I  couldn’t put it down. It really touches the whole spectrum, what to do if you didn’t save yourself, how to avoid temptation, what to do BEFORE you enter a relationship, and how to keep your and the other person’s heart safe.

That book really helped me out a lot! It showed me why I feel guilty about some things sometimes…or showed truths to back up what I believe about how dangerous recreational dating can be. Honestly, give this book a chance. Besides God, marriage is the second biggest relationship most of us will have.  I repeat second, not first.

I will share one thing that completely rocked my world. I have read about Gods grace all over the Bible and have heard his truths. But sometimes it takes someone explaining it to me for the 100th time for me to get it. And I feel like I need to share this with someone who will read this. A lot of people, myself especially, tell God “I know You forgave me for my sin against You, but I just can’t forgive myself.” We punish ourselves for our sin, even after Jesus has forgotten it. Satan has us trapped in this lie. But think about this. By us not giving up are sin, we 1. are still bound to it. and 2. are saying we are better than God. Explanation: By knowing God forgave us, but not doing it ourselves, we are saying our standards are higher than His! How self righteous. Im not saying God doesn’t have high expectations for us…but if He can forgive you for murdering His Son, don’t hold onto your sin. Your regrets. Let them go. Love yourself, cherish yourself, so you can cherish others. 

That was humbling. Thank you Joshua Harris. But it shows how much I really don’t know God. But its motivation to get to know Him better and dig deeper, and go to other people for help when I don’t understand His word. So, anyways if you do read this book, let me know what you think!

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Filed under Always learning, God, Love

Learn to Dream

I might be able to check one of my worries of my list. After I read that, I realized how little I rely on God. That makes me a little sad. But I AM working on giving Him everything, knowing He is my provider and my comforter. Travis’s message last night was awesome! It was about potential. That is something I have been struggling with, since I will be 20 tomorrow and don’t have a lot to show for it. But that is where God comes in. I prayed with Travis and Whit about Learning to Dream again…and trusting God with His plans for my life. I am SO ready to move into something find my calling, my ministry.

So, in a few minutes, I am off to a casting call for John Casablancas mdeling and acting agency. I know God is gonna be with me, and the desire in my heart is there for a reason. But whether anything comes out of this or not, I am not going to worry because God has given this little person BIG dreams for a reason!



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